i'll be there for you

i'll be there for you

Selasa, 22 November 2011

Etika Profesi Akuntansi ( Tugas 2 )

Penerapan Etika dalam Dunia Bisnis di Era Perdagangan Bisnis

1. Contoh penerapan etika dalam bisnis di era perdagangan bebas saat ini, yaitu;
  • Tidak melakukan penyogokan atau suap dengan memberikan sesuatu yang berharga dengan tujuan mempengaruhi tindakan seorang pejabat dalam melaksanakan kewajiban publik. Suap dimaksudkan untuk memanipulasi seseorang dengan membeli pengaruh.
  • Tidak boleh melakukan tindakan pemaksaan dalam berbisnis dengan melakukan ancaman.
  • Sesuatu yang di bisniskan harus merupakan suatu bisnis yang legal.
  • Tidak memberikan informasi palsu (memberikan informasi yang tidak jujur untuk mengelabuhi atau menutupi sesuatu yang tidak benar).

2. pendapat terhadap pernyataan "Kompetisi adalah konsep, mereka yang berhasil adalah yang mahir menghancurkan musuh-musuhnya"

  • Menurut pendapat saya, dengan konsep seperti itu adalah konsep kompetisi yang tidak baik atau tidak sehat, karena kita diciptakan bukan untuk saling menghancurkan tetapi untuk saling membantu (win win solution) walaupun sesama kompetitor.

3. Contoh penerapan dari prinsip-prinsip GCG pada BUMN, yaitu;
  • Akuntabilitas (accountability)Prinsip ini memuat kewenangan-kewenangan yang harus dimiliki oleh dewan komisaris dan direksi beserta kewajiban-kewajibannya kepada pemegang saham dan stakeholders lainnya.
  • Pertanggungan-jawab ( responsibility)Prinsip ini menuntut perusahaan maupun pimpinan dan manajer perusahaan melakukan kegiatannya secara bertanggung jawab.
  • Keterbukaan (transparancy)Dalam prinsip ini, informasi harus diungkapkan secara tepat waktu dan akurat. Informasi yang diungkapkan antara lain keadaan keuangan, kinerja keuangan, kepemilikan dan pengelolaan perusahaan. Audit yang dilakukan atas informasi dilakukan secara independen. Keterbukaan dilakukan agar pemegang saham dan orang lain mengetahui keadaan perusahaan sehingga nilai pemegang saham dapat ditingkatkan.
  • Kewajaran (fairness)Seluruh pemangku kepentingan harus memiliki kesempatan untuk mendapatkan perlakuan yang adil dari perusahaan. Pemberlakuan prinsip ini di perusahaan akan melarang praktek-praktek tercela yang dilakukan oleh orang dalam yang merugikan pihak lain.
  • Kemandirian (independency)Prinsip ini menuntut para pengelola perusahaan agar dapat bertindak secara mandiri sesuai peran dan fungsi yang dimilikinya tanpa ada tekanan-tekanan dari pihak manapun yang tidak sesuai dengan sistem operasional perusahaan yang berlaku.

Senin, 24 Oktober 2011

TUGAS 1 ( Etika Profesi Akuntansi )

soal !

1. Sebutkan penerapan etiket di masyarakat ( min 5 ) ?

Jawab :
- misalkan sedang berbicara melalui telepon, pertama kali mengucapkan salam dan tidak
bernada tinggi.
- saat sedang makan, Baca doa terlebih dahulu dan tidak berbincang saat makan.
- saat berkendara, tidak boleh mendahului dari arah sebelah kiri.
- Saat berjalan, misal rumah beerdekatan, harus mengucapkan kata permisi.
- Saat proses belajar mengajar, ketika meminta ijin ke toilet. misal dosen sedang menerangkan
sebaiknya menunggu dahulu sampai dosen tidak sedang berbicara atau tidak sibuk dan
menggunakan kata maaf pertama kali.

2. Apabila seseorang melanggar suatu etika akan mendapatkan sanksi.
Sebutkan contoh etika dan sanksi sosial yang berlaku di masyarakat ( min 3 ) ?

Jawab :

- Saat berkendara, melanngar peraturan lalu lintas dengan menerobos lampu merah yang
berarti berhenti.
Sanksi sosial : di tilang sama polisi yang berada di tempat
- Saat sedang kegiatan belajar mengajar, mahasiswa yang tidak mendengarkan atau tidak
sanksi sosial : akan ditegur oleh dosen yang bersangkutan atau dikeluarkan dari ruangan.
- Saat memberikan suatu barang atau uang kepada orang lain dengan melempar atau
menggunakan tangan kiri.
Sanksi sosial : mendapat teguran lisan

3. Apa kelebihan dan kekuranagn paham hedonisme bila diterapkan di era
globalisasi sekarang ini ?

Jawab :

- Kelebihan :
Membuat seseorang memiliki sifat pantang menyerah atau tidak mudah putus asa, sehingga
dapat mewujudkan impian seseorang. Misalkan : dengan selalu berdoa dan berusaha untuk
mencapai tujuan yang diinginkan.
Mempunyai penalaran dan tanggung jawab terhadap perilaku seseorang tersebut.
Misalkan : menjalankan suatu tugas dengan baik dan tepat.

- Kekurangan :
Dapat menimbulkan keinginan yang berlebihan sehingga melakukan kecurangan-kecurangan
seperti seorang koruptor.

Minggu, 22 Mei 2011


1. Eating foods that contain adequate nutrition (4 healthy 5 perfect)
2. Exercise Routine
3. Always think positive
4. Vitamin Drink
5. Not smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages

Make this a healthy way to maintain body condition in order to remain fresh and always the spirit every day.


Pastel colors that could be a star in 2010 will change brighter. In 2011 the trend vibrant neon colors like bright pink, orange and green will dominate the fashion trends.

The game was still going to dominate the texture of next year with the dominance of the skin material. Biker jacket and leather miniskirt will be the trend, unified frontier clothing motf beautiful flowers and a mini dress and still be vibrant until the middle of the year.

This prediction is in view of the hard work of designers who are still cool to play the texture, all seen on the runway in London Fashion Week, Paris Fashion Week and Milan Fashion Week. Silk chiffon combined with soft fur accents, leather combined with satin.

Costumes are also one of intersecting structural trends that need to be ogled. Pieces of rigid and firm fit for all body shapes, ranging from curvy, slim to skinny.

Jumat, 20 Mei 2011


Live in jakarta now increasingly unhealthy, because pollution is caused by fumes from two-wheeled vehicle or four wheel and including smoke coming from the factory. Not just dust, but also garbage on the fringes of the road, river and city parks that we should keep and care. Every day in jakarta like that, makes our brains become fresh and very disturbing health. The government is less responsive to this. Therefore we must be aware of their own people the importance of this natural environment for the common good.


Currently, people are busy talking about the earthquake that has engulfed the world. Communities in Advised to to always be vigilant if at any time an earthquake happens. High-scale earthquake can cause tsunamis. There are ways to protect yourself from a small earthquake or major disaster:
"We can take refuge in a place that has a slit for the body and of course a strong or not easily collapse."
"If you did not get to take shelter in a safe place, which we immediately have to do is protect ourselves, with the position of prostration and head on the lid with both hands, where the position of the head rather incorporated into, toward the chest."


Mix 1 tablespoon lemon juice with half a tablespoon of sulfur and rub on the facial acne.
Blend half an apple with a stalk of celery and olehkan on the acne. Let stand until dry, then rinse the face thoroughly.
Clean and raw potato puree to taste, then spread to the face. Let stand for 15 minutes then rinse clean.
Apply honey on the pimple, and let stand for 1 night. With the aim to seep into the pores of the skin.
Blend cucumber and rub on face. Let stand for 30 minutes. If it is dry wash cloth.
Prepare red tomatoes before bed, then cut into pieces and spread to the face. Let the liquid from the tomatoes before drying. Clear fluid was tomorrow morning. Do this on a regular basis, in order to obtain maximum results.


For this recipe, you need a knife, a chopping board, and the blender.

First, chop to bananas into small pieces and put them in a blender.
Next, add some yogurt, some honey, and two cups of milk.
Put the blender on high speed for one minute.


For this recipe, you need a whisk, a mixing bowl, and a frying pan

>> First, crack three large eggs in a bowl and beat them with a whisk.
>> Next, Chop up an onion, a pepper, and some ham into small pieces.
Add this to the egg mixture, and fry.


Here's an easy recipe for pasta fasol, an italian soup with tomatoes, onions, beans, and noodles.

1. Chop an onion and some garlic into small pieces
2. Put some olive oil in a large pot, and fry the onionand garlic until soft
3. Add two cans of tomatoes and a can of bean soup. Cook on low heat for 15 minutes
4. While that's cooking, boil some water in another pot and prepare one cup of noodles
5. Finally, drain the noodles, and then stir them into the soup

Baked Bananas

Peel three bananas.
Mix the bananas with some lemon juice, honey, and melted butter.
Bake the bananas for 15 minutes.
While the bananas are baking, melt some chocolate.
Pour the melted chocolate over the bananas and serve.

Kamis, 19 Mei 2011


The women in the present era is a trendy women do not like the old days ... She is very happy with the life of luxury, with it he can go shopping every day, regular salon for sure senag keep up appearances to make it look perfect in the eyes of the men .. . She is a paradise for men ...

Liver Function

The liver is an important organ situated at the upper right quadrat abdomen. He is responsible for:

Filtering the blood
Make bile, a substance that helps fat digestion
Processing and bind fat in pengangkutnya (protein), including cholesterol. Combined fat and protein called lipoproteins (Chylomicron, VLDL, LDL, HDL), save sugar and helps the body to transport and save energy.

Make important proteins, like most involved in blood clotting

Metabolizes many drugs such as barbiturates, sedatives, and amphetamines
Storing iron, copper, vitamins A and D, and some of the vitamin B
Make important proteins such as albumin which regulates pengakutan fluid in the blood and kidney

If the liver becomes inflamed or infected, then the ability to perform these functions become weaker. Liver disease and infections are caused by a condition that is varied, including viral infection, bacterial attack, and chemical or physical changes in the body. The most common cause of liver damage is malnutrition (malnutrition), especially those that occur with alcohol addiction.

Writing Present Pervect Tense & Future Tense


Used to express one's work, act or event in time past and time has done or has occurred.

Formula :

( + ) S + Verb 2

( ? ) Did + S + Verb 1

( - ) S + Did + Not + Verb 1


Used to express one's work, act or event which has just been completed but the timing is not specified.

Formula :

( + ) S + Has / Have + Verb 3

( ? ) Has / Have + S + Verb 3

( - ) S+ + Has / Have +Not + Verb 3


Used to declare a job action that will occur in the future.

Formula :

( + ) S + Shall / Will + Verb 1

( ? ) Shall / Will + S + Verb 1

( - ) S + Shall / Will + Not + Verb 1